Six Thoughts From Miss Americana

Source: Netflix

The entire process of watching Taylor Swift’s Netflix documentary Miss Americana was nostalgic. It reminded me of a simpler time. Back when I was eager to learn everything about my favorite curly-haired blonde pop star and would record every single Taylor interview on my family’s DVR. 

Only now, a decade later I am 23 and Taylor Swift isn’t the open book she once was. I had to watch Miss Americana because it promised to be one of the first looks into the Taylor of the present. 

Here are a few things that ran through my mind while watching the doc. 

Taylor’s Evokes The Best Nostalgia 

When Taylor performed her Artist of The Decade medley at the American Music Awards, I was disheartened by the lack of representation for her earlier work. I loved how Miss Americana didn’t forget where Taylor came from. As a fan, curly-haired Taylor Swift literally evokes so much joy and nostalgia in my heart. And I LOVE seeing videos from her early days where she sang in bars. 

Taylor Is Not That Innocent 

Throughout the film, we get glimpses of Taylor cursing. Not the sweet innocent damns that we got in her early career. But actual curse words. In some ways, this is the only anti-America’s Sweetheart thing that Taylor does. And somehow it is amazing.

We Need To Be Honest About Reputation

In the first chunk of the film, Taylor learns that her album Reputation (2017) only got one Grammy nomination (Best Pop Vocal Album went to the masterpiece that is Ariana Grande’s Sweetener). This is shocking to Taylor, who is the first woman in pop to win Album of The Year twice. 

But let’s be honest. Reputation is not a good album. Nothing from that album was Grammy worthy. For all of its highs, the lows are unforgivable.

I never want to hear “Look What You Made Me Do” ever again…….that song is HEINOUS. I’m not even going to link to the song because it deserves to fade into the abyss.

“I Did Something Bad” deserved the world.

“King of My Heart” deserved the world. 

“Getaway Car” deserved the world.

“Delicate” was underserved. I haven’t forgiven her for the video.

The bridge of “Call It What You” Want is perfection. 

Lover Is A Return To The Taylor I Love

Taylor did make a better album with Lover, even if it failed to earn her any Grammys.

Lover was terribly long and should’ve only had 12 songs. But when it’s good it is good. I wish we saw more of her songwriting process for this album.

Instead we got multiple clips of her writing ME!. I think Taylor wanted us to know that she was right mind during the creative process of this particular song. I’m still not buying it.

However…I DO wish we could’ve gotten that “bullshit” on the phone lyric.

My Life Would Be So Much Better If The First 30 Mins Of The 2009 Vmas Never Happened.

In retrospect. That night wasn’t that bad. It was just awkward and weird. Homegirl did finish the speech. But I still wonder who Taylor Swift would be if she didn’t have this victim narrative hanging over her head. 

We Can’t Talk Taylor Without The Dixie Chicks… 

The cancellation of the Dixie Chicks is something that I’m so invested in that I wrote my last college essay on the topic. Those ladies took a risk during a time when our country was clinging to patriotism in the face of terrorism. 

The backlash, although unwarranted and deeply misogynistic made sense. And while the trio has struggled to be accepted in country music, their bravery didn’t stop their music from receiving its rightful acclaim.

But Taylor had a choice to get involved in politics when it was less about loyalty to the country, and more about morals. I’d argue that the risk of cancellation wasn’t the same. And it shouldn’t be the cop-out for why she stayed silent. It should’ve been the motivation.

Other Thoughts: 


Telling stans to call the radio is so 2006.

Why is Andrea Swift’s dog so big???

Image result for Andrea Swift’s dog

Taylor driving a Toyota? So local. I love it.

Image result for taylor swift driving toyota

This cat backpack is low key sickening. Love that for Meredith.

Image result for taylor swift cat backpack

“You can run from fascism,” should not be the basis of a pop song but that’s just MY opinion.


I love Taylor Swift. Her music really defined my teen years. But this documentary revealed a hard truth. Despite her ability to write music that feels universal to the human experience, she herself is still a work in progress.

She is JUST learning about the toxic masculinity that makes women targets. About the homophobia that puts lives at risk. Still learning that the world is unfair.